Auto Accidents
Experienced Kentucky Auto Accident Law Firm
In spite of increased safety features on vehicles and safety regulations imposed on the Kentucky roadways, car accidents are the leading cause of death and personal injuries in the State and across the nation. Automobile crashes with trucks, bicycles, and pedestrians lead to devastating injuries, disabilities, and loss of life. If you have been injured in a car accident, or someone you know is a victim of wrongful death as a result of a car accident, you need an experienced car accident attorney. Miniard Law Office will protect your rights and fight for just compensation for your injury. We have handled hundreds of car accident cases throughout Kentucky and across the nation.
Holding Negligent Drivers Accountable
Every time someone gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle, he or she is accepting responsibility for the safety of everyone else on the road. Cars are practical and necessary means of transportation, and on our overcrowded roadways, accidents will happen. But when vehicles become weapons in the hands of negligent and careless drivers whose actions lead to the serious injury and death of another, they must be held accountable.
It is your right to file a claim against a person who is legally responsible for injuries you suffered in a car accident. The parameters of your lawsuit change if your accident involves one or more vehicles, if the driver is uninsured or underinsured, or if the vehicle is private or commercially owned. If you are involved in an accident with a government owned vehicle, such as an ambulance or police car, your lawsuit takes on special considerations. Issues of immunity for federally owned vehicles involved in your accident, even when you are not at fault, threaten your chances of fair compensation.
Our experienced legal team in Miniard Law Office can help you through the maze of legal challenges in claims against uninsured, private, commercial, state, federal, or any agent liable for your injuries.
Compensation for Injuries
When you are hurt in a car accident, you are entitled to financial compensation for your injuries and the impact of those injuries. Court ordered compensation might include:
- Medical costs and expenses associated with medical treatment
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Lost earning capacity
- Property damage and/or property replacement where appropriate
In car accidents that result in the lost of life of a person, the victim’s family or estate may seek damages for their loss of love and support through a wrongful death lawsuit.
Contact our firm immediately after your car accident. You don’t want to risk the loss of evidence or witness information, or miss the legal deadlines for filing your case. Our office is located in Florence, KY and we serve auto accident clients throughout Kentucky and across the country. We will protect your rights and get you the compensation you deserve.
You do not need any money to retain our services. We get paid when we win your case. We have won millions in damages for our clients. Contact us anytime, night or day.